The Trusted Leader: Building the Relationships that Make Government Work (“Building High-Performance Organizations,” Chapter 6, is by John Pickering and Gerald Brokaw.)
Articles (contact us at the email below for copies):
Brokaw, Gerald S. and John M. Mullins. “In Pursuit Of Higher Performance: The Integration Of The High Performance Organization (HPO) Diagnostic / Change Model And The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA).” A two part article published in The Public Manager Winter 2006 and Spring, 2007.
Pickering, J.W. and Matson, R.E. "Why Executive Development Programs (Alone) Don't Work." Training and Development Journal, (May 1992), pp. 91-95. A later 2010 revision of this article is available.
Porter, T., Pickering, J.W., and Brokaw, G.S. "Building High-Performance Organizations for the Twenty-First Century: Lessons from Charleston Naval Shipyard." Project Management College, NAVSEA07, January 1995. A later 2005 revision of this article is available.
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